Many homeowners believe the best time to sell their home is spring because the demand is high. Although that may not be entirely untrue, if everyone lists at the same time for the same reasons then what you create is competition. Typically resale inventory is at its lowest from November through January which means you have a better chance of capturing the limited number of buyers who are out there. The second benefit is that the buyers who are looking are serious AND have less options so you’ll likely avoid a lot of the inconvenient “looky loo” traffic as well and attract motivated buyers and better offers. Contrary to what you might think, people do move and relocate during the holiday season so why not capitalize on being one of the few and best listings on the market.
If you’re ready to sell and just waiting for the right time… it’s time! Call now to find our your home’s value and learn about the real estate activity in your neighborhood. Let’s ring in the new year with a SOLD sign in your yard!
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